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Brigham Young Pioneer Company (1847)



14 April 1847

Arrival in Salt Lake Valley:

21-24 July 1847

Company Information:

The original pioneer company consisted of 142 men, 3 women, and 2 children, and 72 wagons when they left the outfitting post of Winter Quarters, Nebraska. They covered the 1300 miles of the trail in 111 days.


Individuals Known To Have Traveled In This Company

Adams, Barnabas Lothrop (34)

Allen, Rufus (33)

Angell, Truman Osborn (37)

Atwood, Millen (30)

Badger, Rodney (23)

Baird, Robert Erwing (29)

Barney, Lewis (38)

Barnum, Charles David (46)

Benson, Ezra Taft (34)

Billings, George Pierce (19)

Boggs, Francis (39)

Brown, George Washington (20)

Brown, John (26)

Brown, Nathaniel Thomas (53)

Bullock, Thomas (30)

Burk, Charles Allen (23)

Burnham, Jacob D. (26)

Carrington, Albert (34)

Carter, William (26)

Case, James (52)

Chamberlain, Solomon (58)

Chesley, Alexander Philip (32)

Clayton, William (32)

Cloward, Thomas Polsin (24)

Coltrin, Zebedee (42)

Craig, James (26)

Crosby, Oscar (32)

Curtis, Lyman (35)

Cushing, Hosea (21)

Davenport, James (45)

Decker, Isaac Perry (7)

Dewey, Benjamin Franklin (17)

Dixon, John (28)

Driggs, Sterling Graves (30)

Dykes, William (31)

Earl, Sylvester Henry (31)

Eastman, Ozro French (18)

Egan, Howard (31)

Egbert, Joseph Teasdale (29)

Eldredge, John Sutherland (26)

Ellsworth, Edmund Lovell (27)

Empey, William Adam (38)

Ensign, Horace Datus (20)

Everett, Addison (41)

Fairbanks, Nathaniel (23)

Farr, Aaron Freeman (28)

Fitzgerald, Perry (32)

Flake, Green (19)

Fowler, John Sherman (27)

Fox, Samuel Bradford (17)

Freeman, John Monroe (23)

Frink, Horace Monroe (14)

Frost, Burr (31)

Gibbons, Andrew Smith (22)

Gleason, John Streater (28)

Glines, Eric M. (25)

Goddard, Stephen Hezekiah (36)

Grant, David (30)

Grant, George Roberts (26)

Greene, John Young (20)

Grover, Thomas (39)

Hancock, Joseph (47)

Hanks, Sidney Alvarus (26)

Hansen, Hans Christian (40)

Harmon, Appleton Milo (26)

Harper, Charles Alfred (31)

Henrie, William (47)

Higbee, John Somers (43)

Holman, John Greenleaf (18)

Howd, Simeon Fuller (23)

Ivory, Matthew Hayes (46)

Jackman, Levi (49)

Jacob, Norton (42)

Johnson, Artemus (38)

Johnson, Luke (39)

Johnson, Philo (32)

Kelsey, Stephen (16)

Kendall, Levi Newell (25)

Kimball, Ellen Sanders (22)

Kimball, Heber Chase (45)

King, William A. (25)

Kleinman, Conrad (32)

Lay, Hark (22)

Lewis, Tarleton (41)

Little, Jesse Carter (31)

Losee, Franklin G. (32)

Loveland, Chauncey (50)

Lyman, Amasa Mason (34)

Marble, Samuel Harvey (24)

Markham, Stephen Avon (47)

Matthews, Joseph Lazarus (38)

Mills, George (60)

Murray, Carlos G. (18)

Newman, Elijah (53)

Norton, John Wesley (26)

Owen, Seeley (42)

Pack, John (37)

Pierce, Eli Harvey (19)

Pomeroy, Francis Martin (25)

Powell, David (24)

Pratt, Orson (35)

Rappleye, Tunis (40)

Redden, Return Jackson (29)

Richards, Willard (42)

Rockwell, Orrin Porter (31)

Rockwood, Albert Perry (41)

Rolfe, Benjamin Williams (24)

Rooker, Joseph (29)

Roundy, Shadrach (58)

Scholes, George (35)

Scofield, Joseph Smith (37)

Sherwood, Henry Garlie (62)

Shumway, Andrew Purley (14)

Shumway, Charles (38)

Smith, George Albert (29)

Smoot, William Cockran A. (19)

Snow, Erastus Fairbanks (28)

Stevens, Roswell (38)

Stewart, Benjamin Franklin (29)

Stewart, James Wesley (23)

Stringham, Bryant (22)

Summe, Gilbard (44)

Taft, Seth (50)

Tanner, Thomas (43)

Taylor, Norman (18)

Thomas, Robert T. (27)

Thornton, Horace (24)

Thorpe, Marcus B. (24)

Tippets, John Harvey (36)

Vance, William Perkins (24)

Walker, Henson (27)

Wardle, George (27)

Weiler, Jacob (39)

Wheeler, John (45)

Whipple, Edson (42)

Whitney, Horace Kimball (23)

Whitney, Orson Kimball (17)

Williams, Almon Mack (40)

Woodruff, Wilford (40)

Woodward, George (29)

Woolsey, Thomas (40)

Wordsworth ( or Wadsworth ), William Shin (37)

Young, Brigham (46)

Young, Clarissa Decker (18)

Young, Harriet Page (43)

Young, Lorenzo Dow (39)

Young, Lorenzo Sobieski (6)

Young, Phineas Howe (50)



Atwood, Millen, Journal of Millen Atwood.

B. F. S., "A Prophecy," Juvenile Instructor, 15 Feb. 1882, 63. Full Text

Barney, Lewis, "Excerpts from a Journal of the Trek," in Campus Education Week Program, comp., Voices from the Past: Diaries, Journals, and Autobiographies [1980], 36.

Barney, Lewis, Autobiography and diary 1878-1883, reel 5, item 5, 32-38.

Blackburn, Abner, [Autobiography], in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 11:344-45.

Brown, John, "Pioneer Journeys," Improvement Era, July 1910, 810.

Brown, John, Autobiography of Pioneer John Brown, 1820-1896 [1941], 72-78.

Brown, John, Autobiographical sketch, [14].

Brown, John, Reminiscences and journals, vol. 1, 56-70.

Bullock, Thomas, "Travel Account of the Mormon Journey from Council Bluffs to California," in Prophet of the Jubilee, trans. and ed. Ronald D. Dennis [1997], 92-94.

Bullock, Thomas, The Pioneer Camp of the Saints: The 1846 and 1847 Mormon Trail Journals of Thomas Bullock, ed. Will Bagley [1997], 117-244.

Bullock, Thomas, Correspondence, 1836-1857.

Bullock, Thomas, Journals 1843-1849, vol. 4.

Chamberlain, Solomon, [Autobiography], in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 2:599.

Clayton, William, "An Interesting Journal," Juvenile Instructor, 1 July 1886, 202-3; ibid., 1 Aug. 1886, 230-32; ibid., 15 Aug. 1886, 246; ibid., 1 Sept. 1886, 258-59; ibid., 15 Sept. 1886, 281; ibid., 1 Oct. 1886, 290-91; ibid., 15 Oct. 1886, 310-11.

Clayton, William, "The Journal of William Clayton," in Heart Throbs of the West, 12 vols. [1939-51], 6:197-312.

Clayton, William, An Intimate Chronicle: The Journals of William Clayton, ed. George D. Smith [1991], 295-365.

Clayton, William, William Clayton's Journal: A Daily Record of the Journey of the Original Company of "Mormon" Pioneers from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake [1973], 74-327.

Clayton, William, Diary, 1847 Jan-Dec.

Cloward, Thomas Poulson, [Autobiography], in "Utah Pioneer Biographies," 44 vols, 44:2. Full Text

Cloward, Thomas Poulson, Autobiographical sketch 1894.

Earl, Sylvester Henry, Autobiographical sketch [n.d.], 5-6.

Egan, Howard, Pioneering the West, 1846 to 1878, ed. and comp. William M. Egan [1917], 21-106.

Egan, Howard, John H. Tippetts, Brigham Young, John S. Higbee, George A. Smith, etc., Journal extracts, in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Apr.-July 1847.

Egan, Howard, [Letters], in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 14:505-6.

Ellsworth, Edmund Lovell, [Autobiography], in German E. Ellsworth and Mary Smith Ellsworth, comp., Our Ellsworth Ancestors, ed. John Orval Ellsworth [1955], 90-92.

Ellsworth, Edmund, [Reminiscences], in "Utah Pioneer Biographies" 44 vols., 9:62. Full Text

Ellsworth, Edmund, Autobiography, in Pearl Ione Crismon Forsberg's "Papers relating to the Edmund Ellsworth and Charles Crismon families," in Utah State Historical Society Cache Valley Chapter, Historical resource materials for Cache Valley, Utah-Idaho, 1955-1956, reel 5, item 5.

Ellsworth, Edmund, [Autobiography], in An Enduring Legacy, 12 vols. [1978-89], 4:131.

Empey, William A., "The Mormon Ferry on the North Platte, The Journal of William A. Empey, May 7-August 4, 1847," ed. Dale L. Morgan, Annals of Wyoming, July-Oct. 1949, 124-33.

Everett, Addison, Diary, 1847 Apr.

Harmon, Appleton Milo, Diary 1847 April-July.

Harmon, Appleton Milo, Journal, in Library of Congress, Collection of Mormon diaries [1935-1938], reel 4, item 1, vol. 1, 1-42 and vol. 2, part 1, 11-15.

Harmon, Appleton Milo, [Journal], in Maybelle Harmon Anderson, ed., Appleton Milo Harmon Goes West [1946], 11-36.

Harper, Charles Alfred, The Diary of Charles Alfred Harper [1971], 15-31.

Harper, Charles Alfred, Diary, 1847 Apr.-Aug..

Higbee, John Somers, Reminiscences and diaries, 1845-1866, vol. 1 and vol. 2.

Higbee, John Somers, [Journal], in The Official Magazine of the Isaac Higbee and Sophia Somers Family Organization, July 1956, 61-62.

Jackman, Levi, Journal 1847 Mar.-1849 Apr., 35-59.

Jackman, Levi, Letter, Salt Lake City [Utah] 1850.

Jackman, Levi, Reminiscences and journal 1851-1867, 26-40.

Jackman, Levi, [Journal], in An Enduring Legacy, 12 vols. [1978-89], 9:200-209.

Jacob Weiler family, Record of temple work [ca. 1895-1900], 75-77.

Jacob, Norton, Reminiscence and journal 1844 May-1852 Jan., 47-85.

Jacob, Norton, [Journal], in Norton Jacob, The Record of Norton Jacob, ed. C. Edward Jacob and Ruth S. Jacob [1953], 30-70.

Johnson, Philo, [Reminiscences], in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 2:580-81.

Johnson, Philo. Reminiscences, 1894, 3-4.

Kelsey, Stephen, [Letter], in "Fifty Years Ago Today," Salt Lake Tribune, 16 June 1897, p. 1. Full Text

Kelsey, Stephen, [Statement], in Mormon biographical sketches collection [ca. 1900-1975], reel 5, box 6, fd. 1, item 6.

Kimball, Heber C., "The Pioneer Journal of Heber C. Kimball," Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, Jan. 1939, 9-19; ibid., Apr. 1939, 76-85; ibid., July 1939, 140-49; ibid., Oct. 1939, 204-11; ibid., Jan. 1940, 18-24; ibid., Apr. 1940, 80-87; ibid., July 1940, 150-58; and ibid., Oct.1940, 211-18. Full Text

Nibley, Charles Wilson, [Account concerning Erastus Snow and the Mormon Pioneers] 1920, 45-46.

Pack, John, Letters, 1847, fd. 3.

Pack, John, Papers, 1833-1882, items 8 and 15.

Pack, John, [Letter], in Davis Bitton, The Redoubtable John Pack: Pioneer, Proselyter, Patriarch [1982], 219-23.

Pratt, Orson, "Interesting Items Concerning the Journeying of the Latter-day Saints from the City of Nauvoo, Until Their Location in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake (Extracted from the Private Journal of Orson Pratt)," Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star, 15 Jan.1850, 18-19; ibid., 1 Feb. 1850, 33-35; ibid., 15 Feb.1850, 49-50; ibid., 1 Mar.1850, 65-68; ibid., 15 Mar.1850, 81-83; ibid., 1 Apr.1850, 97-100; ibid., 15 Apr.1850, 113-15; ibid., 1 May 1850, 129-31; ibid., 15 May 1850, 145-47; ibid., 1 June 1850, 161-66; and ibid., 15 June 1850, 177-78. Full Text

Pratt, Orson, The Orson Pratt Journals, comp. Elden J. Watson [1975], 375-457.

Rockwood, Albert Perry, Diary, 1847 Apr.-July.

Rockwood, Albert Perry, [Journal], in Luceal Rockwood Curtis, Compiled and Assembled History of Albert Perry Rockwood [1968], 36-69.

Scofield, Joseph Smith, Diary, 2-9.

Shumway, Andrew Purley, Reminiscences, 1869.

Shumway, Andrew Purley, [Autobiography], in Kenneth W. Godfrey, Charles Shumway, A Pioneer's Life [1974], 108-10.

Shumway, Andrew Purley, [Reminiscences], in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 2:543-44.

Shumway, Andrew Purley, [Reminiscences], in Margaret Shumway Sevey, comp., The Charles Shumway Family, 1806-1979, [1982], 20-21.

Smith, George A., "History of George A. Smith," in Smith, George A., Papers, 1834-1875. Full Text

Smoot, W. A. C., [Reminiscence], in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 24 July 1907, 26. Full Text

Snow, Erastus, "Autobiography of Erastus Snow," Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, July 1923, 112. Full Text

Snow, Erastus, "From Nauvoo to Salt Lake in the Van of the Pioneers," Improvement Era, May 1911, 633-35; ibid., July 1911, 816-21; ibid., Aug.1911, 925-27; ibid., Sept. 1911, 1020-23; ibid., Oct. 1911, 1099-1102; ibid., Nov. 1911, 53-57; ibid., Dec. 1911, 165-68; ibid., Jan. 1912, 246-50; ibid., Feb.1912, 359-62; ibid., Mar. 1912, 407-8. Full Text

Snow, Erastus, "Journey to Zion," Utah Humanities Review, Apr. 1948, 107-28 and ibid., July 1948, 264-78.

Snow, Erastus, Journal 1835-1851; 1856-1857, vol. 4, 3-91.

Thomas, William, "Historical sketch and genealogy of the Thomas' families, 1888-1895," 45-46.

Thornton, Horace, [Letter], in Chronicles of Courage, 8 vols. [1990-97], 3:337-39.

Thornton, Horace, [Reminiscences], in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 2:572-73.

Tippets, John Harvey, Autobiography [ca. 1882], 99-113.

Tippets, John Harvey, Journal 1846 July-1847 June.

Utah Semi-Centennial Commission, The book of the pioneers [ca. 1897]. Full Text

Weiler, Jacob, Autobiographical sketch 1892-1895, 3-4.

Whipple, Edson, [Reminiscence], in Andrew Jenson, comp., Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 4 vols. [1971], 3:561. Full Text

Whitney, Helen Mar, "Scenes and Incidents at Winter Quarters," Woman's Exponent, 15 Sept. 1885, 57-58. Full Text

Whitney, Horace K., "Westward With the Saints, Excerpts from the Hitherto Unpublished Journal of Horace K. Whitney, 1847," Improvement Era, Apr. 1947, 202-4; ibid., May 1947, 276; ibid., June 1947, 371,407; ibid., July 1947, 436. Full Text

Whitney, Horace Kimball, Journals 1843; 1846-1847, vols. 5-6.

Witt, Michael, Copy and revision of [the] autobiography of Mr. Blackburn, 1966, 11-13.

Woodruff, Wilford, "Letter of W. Woodruff, One of the Apostles," in Prophet of the Jubilee, trans. and ed. Ronald D. Dennis [1997], 101.

Woodruff, Wilford, Wilford Woodruff's Journal, vol. 3, 1 January 1846 to 31 December 1850, ed. Scott G. Kenney [1983], 148-235.

Woodward, George, [Letter excerpt], in Salt Lake Tribune, 30 Apr. 1897, 1. Full Text

Woodward, George, Autobiography of George Woodward [1903], 8-11.

Woodward, George, [Autobiography], in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 2:618-19.

Young, Brigham, "The Pioneer Trip [letter to Mary Angell Young, April 20, 1847]," in Heart Throbs of the West, 12 vols. [1939-51], 5:384-85.

Young, Brigham, Letter, 1847 May 28, Camp of Israel, Platte River.

Young, Brigham. Letter, 1847 Apr. 20, Camp of Israel to Mary A. Young, Winter Quarters [Nebraska].

Young, Clara Decker, A woman's experience with the pioneer band, in University of California [Berkeley] Bancroft Library, Utah and the Mormons collection [n.d.], reel 2, 7-8.

Young, Lorenzo Dow, "Diary of Lorenzo Dow Young," Utah Historical Quarterly, Jan., Apr., July, Oct.1946, 155-63.

Young, Lorenzo Dow, Diaries, 1846-1852 and 1888-1891, vol. 1.

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