Bingham's Fort
Into the district of Ogden, now ((1940) known as Five Points and previously as Lynne, came George and Frederick Barker, Charles Burk, Edith Rice and others in 1849. In 1850 can Erastus Bingham and his son Sanford, Stephen Parry, Charles Draney, Newton Goodale, Charles Hubbard and others. In December 1850, the settlement was organized as a branch of the Latter-day Saint. Church, with Erastus Bingham as Bishop. From then on it was known as Bingham's Fort. In 1851 water was taken from Ogden River near the old mill site (1251 Canyon Road), ditches being dug by hand by both men and women to convey water for irrigation. The first school house was built of logs in 1851, and a school board organized with Newton Goodale and Henry Gibson trustees. The settlement grew rapidly. At this time (1855 1856) it was densely populated, and contained several mercantile houses which traded largely in hides of oxen, cows, horses and wolves, who died of starvation, or other causes during the winter of 1855-56. The next summer many of the people dug segoes and pigweeds, and ate bran bread to keep their bodies and souls together until the next harvest. In 1855 the settlers thought it necessary to build a wall for protection from the Indians. The houses in this fort were built of logs, each log was notched, the first with one notch, the next with two notches and so on to the top log, so when the houses had to be torn down they could be rebuilt without re measuring and refitting. All houses faced the inside of the fort. When Mr. Chauncey Stone, on west Second Street, was excavating for a house, he found a rock foundation, which the early settlers decided was the base of the wall at Bingham's Fort, this being the west line. The fort was located north of Second Street, west of Washington Boulevard and extended northwest along Harrisville road. According to the 15th Ward records the wall was 120 rods by 60 rods six feet thick and 12 feet high, built of rocks and mud, under the direction of Mr. Goodale. It had a gate or entrance in the west side and had it been completed, there would have been one on the east. In 1855 or 1856 Brigham Young visited the people at the fort. He advised them to abandon the fort and to build a real city between the Ogden and Weber rivers. As a result the work on the wall stopped and most of the people moved into Ogden. In a year only a few families remained and Thomas Richardson, of Slaterville, was put in charge, with Robert E. Baird, William Hutchins, John Laird and Josiah Parry as leading teachers. In 1856 and 1857 all able bodied men in the fort were called in the militia, under General Chauncey W. West, to resist Johnston's Army. In the spring of 1858 all moved south except a few who were left to either guard property or destroy it in case the army entered victorious. In the fall of 1858 the settlers returned to their homes in the fort. The settlement was organized as the 5th school district, in 1860, with Robert E. Baird, Josiah Parry and Lewis Hardy as school trustees. A new log school house was erected under their direction. This district Later became known as Lynne and as Ogden expanded and five roads terminated here, it became known as Five Points. Isabella E. K. Wilson. Source: Heart Throbs of the West, Kate B. Carter, Volume 3, Page164