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A Life Span

Composed and written by Mary Stringham

In honor of her two sisters-in-laws. Elizabeth and Louesa Gfroerers Bingham they were twins. They both married Thomas Bingham Jr. and all lived together.


My memory takes me back to happy childhood days.

When Elizabeth and Louesa joined us in our songs and play

Two happy little girls were they, with faces bright and fair.

With eyes so blue and cheeks so pink and glossy light brown hair.

They were born in Salt Lake City Utah, 20, December 1854.

To the parents of Frederick and Elizabeth Sabin Gfroerer.


The children all admired them, their hearts were full of love.

And they were always chosen first, when we children played drop the glove.

We loved our teacher dearly, Her name was Hattie Brown.

There was not another one like her in all the country around.


Oh, those happy happy romping days so full of joy and glee.

I never dreamed the little twin girls would be my relatives.

But I was blessed, for I had a kind and noble Brother.

Who was a lover, and won the eldest (Lizzie), and later won the other as his wife.


These three have united been in deed of charity and love.

And in the training of their children to trust in God above.

Now after years of usefulness, their crowns are surely won.

And when they go, they will hear these words - - WELL DONE.


If all could but remember true lives are better far than gold.

When age comes on we'll never grieve, because they are growing old, but dear to me.

If I can go where they go, and their bright mansion see.

I'll meet my darling loved ones who have waited long for me.


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