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Residents of Bingham Fort - Lynne (Ogden), Utah

The names on the map were compiled by memory in 1919. More than 110 families lived at Bingham's Fort Bingham's Fort from "Pioneers Forts in Ogden, Utah 1848 to 1855 by Elwood I Barker. If you have a family member who was a resident of Bingham's Fort and you have a life sketch on that member, please send us a copy.


Additional Fort Residents

Additional Fort Residents

Additional Fort Residents

Robert E. Baird

Davis Bartholemew

Charles Aldous

William B. Hutchens

Newel Drake

Robert Aldous

W.R.R. Stowell

Nathaniel Leavitt

Samuel Miles

Chauncey West

Walter Fibal

Francis Romeril

Henry Gibson (School Board)

William Norton Marler

Charles Hubbard ?

Hanson Hies

Dudley Chase

Charles Draney

William Paine

Joseph Gidson (Gilson)

Matilda Olson (Sprague)

William Stone

? Gecham Jr.

David Jenkins

Henry Eggleston

Thomas Boybett

James Lake

Harriette Heath Marler

John Clark & W. Lilas Barbour Clark, her sister

? Beebe, Blacksmith, 3 wives

Jane Barbour Johnson Barker & her mother Margaret Cauldwell Barbour

More Names Listed In The Book Beneath Ben Lomonds Peak - Page 191

Additional Fort Residents

Additional Fort Residents

Additional Fort Residents

James Martin

Jacob Thomas

John Chugg

Daniel Rawson

Elisha Thomas

James Westergard

Thomas White

Thomas Burnett

Hans Westergard

Robert Fisher

Seth Painter

Temple Short

Frank Randall

William Rawson

Neils Peter Lee

William J. Larkin

William McEntire

Peter Stephenson

Robert Wilson

harvey Murdock

Hans Hegstead

Thomas D. Brown

Joseph Taylor

William Andrew Taylor

Robert E. Baird

Joseph Allen Taylor


Thomas Richardson and Isaac Newton Goodale

Thomas Richardson, a pioneer boy who lived in Bingham's Fort, tells how the walls were constructed.

"The walls were made of mud. We did not have lumber to put up to hold the mud, so we placed upright poles, tapering them about eight feet at the bottom to about three feet at the top. We set stakes between the poles and wove willows in like a willow fence, then filled the space with mud. We made a ditch nearby to run water down to wet the mud. When wet, we threw it in with shovels, spades or anything we had. We built the willow forms as the wall went up. The wall was about twelve feet high.

The fort had an entrance on the west side large enough to drive a team through, with gate constructed of heavy timber which stood as high as the wall. Had it been completed, there would have been a similar gate on the east (According to Goodale's journal it was completed)

The journal of Isacc Newton Goodale has the following entrees showing some of his involvement in Bingham's Fort:

August 1, 1853: Went over to Ogden City to see about "forting up". We agreed to "fort up". I was chosen one of the committee for locating the fort which we located this day. Tuesday the 2nd went to look up people for the guard.

August 18: The orders came to us to "fort up". I being one of the committee was engaged in laying out a fort.

August 19: The brethern commenced to move in. I was on the ground all day.

August 20: We commenced to haul in grain. The brethren continued to haul in their goods.

August 21: Sunday the 21st we was moving in. At 5 o'clock we held a meeting on our business concerning hurding and other matters. I was chosen commander of the fort.

August 22: Monday the 22nd I was laying out lots.

April 1854: Worked at wall.

Misc. Notes about Bingham's Fort

Molassee Mill located on Wall Ave 150 Feet north of 2nd street.School house/N. Ward located at 198 W. 2ndErastus Bingham Cabin located at 317 W. 2ndWilliam Terry writes that there were mercantile houses in the fort.1871 Adobe Mill at Sam Gate's farmDitches next to North and South walls of fort

Road to Harrisville or Lynne Lane

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