Funeral Services of Ottis Laverle Cole
Born: May 6, 1915 Died: June 3, 1970
WHITNEY WARD CHAPEL Saturday, June 6, 1970 - 11.00 a.m. Bishop Kenneth S. Porter Conducting
Prayer at Mortuary ......................... Ralph Cole Prelude and Postlude ......................... Constance Davis Invocation ......................... Cliff Poole Song ......................... Sharron Poole, "Ye That Hath Clean Hands" Obituary ......................... Cecil Foster Speaker ......................... William Davis Song ......................... Male Quartet, "Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown" Speaker ......................... Eldon Tanner Remarks ......................... Bishop Kenneth S. Porter Vocal Duet ......................... Bishop and Mrs. Loyal Hansen, "Beyond The Sunset" Benediction ......................... Richard Newbold Dedication of Grave in Whitney Cemetery ......................... Vernal Croshaw
PALLBEARERS: Rodney O. Cole Dennis E. Cole M. Lynn Cole Lee O. Cole Ralph Cole Wayne Cole
Flowers under direction Whitney Ward Relief Society