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Funeral Services of LaRue Johnson Walker

LaRue (Johnson) Walker


Funeral Service

10:00 am, December 30, 1992


FAMILY PRAYER ......................... Bishop Byron E. Johnson

PRELUDE ......................... Erma Palmer

OPENING SONG ......................... "Lead Kindly Light", Hymn # 97

INVOCATION ......................... Sister Gay Nielsen

SONG ......................... Family Members "The Wintery Day, Descending To Its Close", Accompanist Erma Palmer

INTRODUCTION ......................... Bishop Gary E. Patterson

POEM ......................... "The Beauty Of Mother", Gaylyn Larsen (Daughter)

SONG ......................... "In The Garden", Triple Trio - Gay Nielsen, Debbie Blick, Vicky Johnson, Sue Parrett, Janet Jones, Paula Mortensen, Jane Woodbury, Tami Mondragon, Karen Shoemake - Accompanist Becky Eland

SPEAKER: Tribute ......................... Barbara Zeiss (Daughter)

SONG ......................... "Your Not Alone" Karoleen McClellan (Daughter), Accompanist Erma Palmer

SPEARER ......................... Wayne Brungard

REMARKS ......................... Bishop Gary E. Patterson

CLOSING SONG ......................... "Be Still, My Soul" Hymn # 124

BENEDICTION ......................... Douglas Finch (Grandson-in-law)



Gordon Walker

Roger Walker

Charles Walker

Douglas Finch

Nyman Walker

Sheldon Walker

Ray Larsen

Charles McClellan

Glade Johnson

Henry Reed

Ray Newman

James Zeiss

Byron Johnson

George Walker

David McClellan

Bill Marty


DEDICATION OF GRAVE ......................... Richard Brooks


The Beauty of Mother


The beauty of Mother is

The time she's spent with her family

Teaching us to love and share.

Showing us the way to care.


But, not only to us a mother was she,

but an example of what a wife should be.

She loves our Father so very dear

And in our minds the memory stands clear.

You see that's the beauty of Mother


Each day the air filled with encouraging words

From her lips to our ears will always be heard.

Even when she seems far away,

Close by us she'll forever stay.


Her spirit so sweet will always be

Within the hearts of you and me.

And though she's with The Father above,

She fills our souls with her undying love.

And we feel the beauty of Mother.


We love you, Mom!


Written 27 Dec 1992 by Gaylyn Renae (Walker) Larsen


Dedicated to LaRue (Johnson) Walker

13 Aug 1928 to 25 Dec 1992


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