Wilbert Dolan "Bill" Fife
In Memory Of W. D. "Bill" FIFE
Date of Birth JULY 14, 1897
Date of Death JULY 16, 1979
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Services At Jerome First Ward Chapel Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Thursday, July 19, 1979 at 2:00 P.M.
Officiating ____________ Bishop J. Lavar Buttars Family Prayer ____________________________ Glen Fife Duet __________________________ Patsy and Clyde Cox, "Oh My Father" Accompanist _____________________ Joyce Ford Invocation _____________________________ John Buttars Obituary ____________________________ Sharon Johnson Solo ___________________________________ William Hadlock, "In the Garden" Accompanist _______________________ Joan Emery Speaker _________________ Bishop Neal Perkins Solo ___________________ Mark Johnson, "Thy Will Be Done" Accompanist ________________ Ollie Jean Johnson Benediction ___________________________ Garn Johnson Organist ______________________________________ Joyce Ford
Flowers Carried by First Ward Relief Society
Honorary Bearers Jerome Stake High Priest Quorum
Active Bearers (Grandsons) Steve Johnson Barney Fife Mark Johnson Scott Fife Keith Myers Nick Fife
Dedication of the Grave by Wallace Jensen
Flag Ceremony at Jerome Cemetery